WLC | Careers with WLC
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Grow with Us

Whitelight Consulting is a HR Consulting firm focussed in the area of Leadership Development ( Assessment Centres, Development Centres, Coaching, Leadership Development Programs and Managerial Development Programs) and using Arts@work (Using Theatre, Movies, Business Storytelling) to achieve business objectives.

As a fast growing company where teams and hierarchies are lean; WhiteLight Consulting provides you the unique opportunity to contribute substantially and be heard and appreciated for the insights you bring to the table.


We hire consultants from diverse backgrounds and experiences. You can be a part of consulting in the Assessment, Advisory and Outsourcing, or Organization Development practices. At WhiteLight Consulting, Consultants, at all levels, work closely with clients to design, build and execute innovative service solutions that further enable client business processes. With the opportunity to serve different clients in various industries and functional areas, our consultants develop and hone their domain knowledge, problem-solving skills and leadership capabilities that they apply to each new client engagement.

Business Development

Business Development is a critical function where Consultants must understand the industry they operate in and gather market intelligence. This enables them to reach out to clients with confidence, analyze situations and aptly suggest solutions by showcasing the WhiteLight Consulting range of products and services. As varied as it is interesting, the role of business development associate is stimulating and challenging. As varied as they are interesting, our front line, managerial and leadership roles in business development provide an unparalletsled opportunity in understanding core talent issues and solutions of several industries.

We are always keen to speak with motivated individuals who are interested in the application of their intellectual horsepower to impact organisations at all three levels (Firm, Teams and Employees). If you are interested in working with WhiteLight Consulting, please write to us at nshukla@consultwlc.com