WLC | Assessment Centre
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Assessment Centre

Assessment centre for Senior and Mid-Level Business Leaders
Selecting a leader poses a serious challenge given the consequences at stake and due to the quick nature decision making is necessary in today’s competitive business world. Whitelight Consulting realizes the criticality of hiring the right person and the difference this can make to organisations. We have helped companies in this regard through our ASSESSMENT CENTRE services.

Here are the five needs which our Assessment Centre can address:

  • Assessing the candidate’s current and future contribution value
  • Describing strengths and weaknesses in function of what is critical for the position and for the company
  • Assessing potential to adapt to the current and future environment
  • Measuring the fit between individual and organizational values
  • Determining business and strategic competencies, particularly:
    1. Leadership
    2. Ability to establish partnerships
    3. Change management
    4. Strategic thinking and global vision
    5. Political acumen

In short, our Assessment Centre is designed to meet your needs and expectations.

Benefits of our assessment centre for Your Leadership Team
WhiteLight Consulting’s solution combines predictive power with a proven, rigorous methodology.

Here are the distinctive features of our Assessment Centre for Your Leadership Team:

  • Unites best practices in assessment in order to accurately appraise the contribution value of your senior managers
  • Realistic and action oriented
  • Specifically designed for senior business leaders and for identifying Hi-Potential talent.
  • Draws on the expertise of many appraisers who pool their observations
  • Assesses essential competencies such as critical thinking and business acumen
  • Assesses individual potential, regardless of their experience in the targeted role

Results delivered within 48 to 72 hours

The Assessment Centre for Leadership Team  provides the following information:
1. Recommendations that take into account the assessed leader’s strengths and weaknesses and the work context
2. The fit between the assessed leader’s profile and the position, the organizational culture and the immediate supervisor
3. The leader’s interests and motivations
4. Suggestions to promote the leader’s integration and conditions for success in the position
5. A summary report that provides candid information about the individual