To ensure that we provide maximum value to the organization we work with , it is imperative that we have a reasonable understanding of the organization structure and processes, the culture and organizational climate as well as the motivation level and attitude of the employees , especially those at the leadership level. To get this sense first hand, we would recommend that a senior consultant from our firm spends a day at your organization to get a feel of the organization.
This day is spent in speaking to a cross section of employees, getting to know about the quality of leadership talent, unique business environment employee engagement. and challenges and how the employees view the organization .This will help us identify the possible reasons due to which you might be facing HR/People challenges and correlate them with your existing practices in developing leaders, utilizing manpower, and empowering employees. We also help you recognize your organization’s strengths in talent management. And most importantly, we put our entire assessment in the context of your business objectives, so that you can clearly see where your HR return-on-investment opportunities lie.